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Foster a more inclusive and diverse culture

Genesis Property employees are indispensable and inseparable from the company's success, and we are committed to attracting, developing, and retaining talent.

Integrity is essential in everything we do and is reflected in our three management behaviors: acting with respect, leading with transparency, and delivering with care - always with unwavering integrity.

Our anchor for integrity is represented by the employee code of conduct. We expect our employees to uphold the spirit of these policies and our company values. The Board of Directors reviews the Code of Conduct annually and considers any necessary changes to the company's procedures and practices.

Each employee is responsible for integrity, and our Board of Directors is committed to promoting an environment where employees are encouraged to report integrity-related issues without fear.

Employees are the best line of defense for early detection of potential problems, and transparent reporting is one of the best indicators of integrity culture and employee engagement in compliance priorities.

The Genesis Property Board of Directors carefully reviews each integrity report and takes necessary actions accordingly.

Our ambition is to have an inclusive culture and a motivated team comprised of talented individuals. We recognize that, regarding the company and the industry, we need to do more for diversity and inclusion, and we will support and challenge our suppliers and partners to do the same within their teams.

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